
The latest news & updates from the Silver Ferns

Road to NWC2015: Fiji announces team

Episake Kahatoka will represent Fiji at NWC2015
Netball Fiji has announced the Fiji Pearls team for the Netball World Cup SYDNEY 2015, 7 – 16 August.

The team, coached by New Zealander Kate Carpenter, features Mere Rabuka-Neiliko and Matila Waqanidrola who will both be competing in their fourth NWC.

The Fiji Pearls will continue their road to NWC2015 when they face the Silver Ferns in the New World Netball Series for the Taini Jamison Trophy on July 23 – click here to purchase tickets

Ranked seventh in the world, the Fiji Pearls are in Pool D at NWC2015, alongside Wales, Uganda and Zambia.

The Silver Ferns could face the Fiji Pearls in the Qualification Rounds, depending on results and final placings following the Preliminary Rounds.

Netball fans will be able to watch all Silver Ferns NWC2015 matches PLUS the New World Netball Series live on SKY Sport (check local guides).

Fiji Pearls to contest NWC2015:

Nina Cirikisuva, Jane Costello, Sera Dakuitoga, Episake Kahatoka, Maria Lutua, Taraima Mitchell, Alisi Naqiri, Mere Rabuka-Neiliko, Una Rauluni, Afa Rusivakula, Alesi Waqa and Matila Waqanidrola.